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March 22, 2020
Once upon a time... Le Tube - EP01 Tell me a story...
Once upon a time...
All the fairy tales of our childhood begin like this: Once upon a time there was a beautiful, sweet girl... "Cinderella." Once upon a time there was a lumberjack and a woodcutter who had seven children... "Thumbelina".
Taking the time to tell and inform is an art and a pleasure that we tend to forget today in a world that is more and more connected. The pleasure of telling and listening, writing and reading.
So for my first article on this Blog - Le Bouche à Oreille - let me tell you this story. The story of two young entrepreneurs who want to make people smile again.
Let me first introduce you to Awa. She is the one who came up with the idea for the "Tube". She has just returned from a three-month business trip to Brazil and it's clear that the beauty routine there starts with a toothbrush and toothpaste. It's true that beautiful teeth are important. Who has never fallen under the spell of a devastating smile?
In Brazil, people line up to brush their teeth after lunch. "What, you forgot your toothbrush! "And it's a completely normal gesture. I remember when I worked La Defense Department, where it was the opposite effect... "Here, you bring your toothbrush to the office, don't you? »
Yet when she returns to France, she pays attention to the cosmetics she buys, it is a real nightmare to find a good toothpaste, which is healthy for her mouth, for the planet and which tastes good at the same time. It's unbelievable, 200 million tubes sold per year! First cosmetic used by the French and yet a very limited offer when it comes to finding a sexy, effective and organic product. So what do you do when you can't find what you're looking for?
Oh yeah, I forgot, Awa is a concentrate of energy, someone who's always on the move, 1000 ideas a second, always ready to go out for a drink, or to go out with friends. So at 30, she's bubbling! Creating her brand becomes obvious and she goes to see her friend Guillaume to present her idea. To create the first high-end "Oral Care" brand that is sexy, good for the planet and effective for the mouth.
Guillaume and cosmetics are two or more...he doesn't even know! Creams, lip balms, all kinds of care, make-up...Not even sure he knows what an eyeliner is! He's all about entrepreneurship. So when Awa tells him his story, he listens carefully...
It's true, today nobody really knows what he buys as toothpaste. It's a "hygiene-routine", you take one at the supermarket when your own is empty. Colgate, Signal, Oral B, Sensodyne... what's the difference ? Anyway, we haven't the faintest idea what's in there...
So little by little he's getting into the game. He also wants to write a chapter, to get his hands dirty (toothed), and take part in this adventure. Guillaume immediately sees several dimensions to this project and a huge challenge to take up. How to change the way we consume. Towards a more responsible, more transparent purchase and towards healthier and better quality products.
So in October 2018, the two apprentice storytellers clap their hands and start thinking about their story or how to give a wonderful smile back to everyone, with a French product that only wants you good.
1 comment
Cela fait du bien de voir arriver sur le marché un dentifrice sain , écoresponsable et français! pourquoi aller chercher ailleurs quand nous avons de si jolies entreprises dans notre pays. Je vous souhaite une belle réussite et surtout gardons le sourire !